
May 22, 2009


Pnah dgr x oreo cheese cake?? Ak rase kalo d kalangan sis mmg femes.. N rase die cam bole tahan..juz normal utk cheese cake xle mkan byk2 sbab cpat muak.. Disbabkn ak ske cake ni so ak pn bt la sbgai mmnuhi waktu cuti yg terluang..hehe..

Kt sni ak nk share resepi die coz ak bt jd so ak rase resepi ni bole la dpercayai brbnding certain resepi..

Prep time: 20 min
Cooking time: 45 min
Ready in: 4 hr

24 Oreo cookies, divided
3 tablespoons butter, melted
3 packages (250 g each) Philadelphia Brick Cream Cheese, softened
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
3 eggs

1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
2. Crush 16 cookies and place in a bowl.
3. Then add butter and mix well. Press firmly onto bottom of 9 inch round cake pan.
4. Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended.
5. Add eggs, one at a time, beating just until well blended after each addition.
6. Chop or crush the remaining 8 cookies. Gently stir half of the chopped cookies into cream cheese batter.
7. Pour over prepared crust; sprinkle with the remaining chopped cookies.
8. Bake for about 45 mins or until centre is almost set.
9. Allow to cool and refrigerate for 3 hrs or overnight. la hasilnye..walaupn xssdap secret recipe of course n nmpk x come but at least ni hasil ttik peluh ak..hehe..

*p.s. Oreo boikot weh so gne cream O pn bole tp msti la xssdap Oreo..huhu..

5 wrote back:

Hurun^Ain said...


Huda said... muak..hehe..

Huda said...

akak pn try la buat..;tu sy dh bg resepi.. =)

'atiqah said...

ala~ terliurlaa...dahla oven kt umah rosak..huu~ ehem2..blanja la huda..(wink!)

Huda said...

ohh..xle buat la tu sy ade jmpe resepi xyah gne pmbakar, ala2 aiskrim gitu..yummy..hehe..

saye nk blanje pn xde fulus ni.. =)